Ángel Martín Velayos
Imperator of the Rose Cross Order
Greetings Sincere Seeker!.
Welcome to the informational pages of the Rose Cross Order, a Fraternity consecrated to Truth and dedicated to the transmission of knowledge.
Our Venerable Order is a School of Light and self-improvement in which the members, by means of a progressive system of study and practical application of what is learned, become not only the Masters of their own lives, and Architects of their own destiny, but also incorporate the highest existing ethical ideals into their personality.
The Rose Cross Order perpetuates the wisdom of the Rosicrucians of every age who, over the centuries, have taught those who follow their teachings to develop their physical, mental, and spiritual abilities, and understand the relationship that exists between all people, the Cosmos, the laws that govern it, and God, by whatever name He is known and however conceived. All of this is presented through the progressive Initiations and graduated studies that are typical of an Initiatory Order. By means of the wisdom acquired in our historic Order they become aware that all people can come to be all they should be and obtain what they need, regardless of class or other limitations, through the graduated study of the Rosicrucian teachings.
The symbol that gives our Order its name, the Rose Cross, represents a fully developed human being, a Master of Existence. It represents someone who, by their wisdom and command of circumstances is not enslaved by destiny, but rather is the author of their own destiny and manifests, in the material world, the highest potentialities and ideals of the spirit. We can say that the Rose Cross symbolizes the inner state of perfection and power that we should reach through our study and practice, as our reward. One way in which the Rose Cross Order is defined is to say that it is a Visible School that transmits the secrets and knowledge of the Spiritual Fraternity that its symbol represents.
For this reason our Venerable Order, the Rose Cross Order, declares that it is a path toward the Light of Knowledge and personal Realization, preparing the student to one day become worthy of being called a true Rose Cross.
If you are someone who truly aspires to be the complete keeper of your own life, to ascend toward perfection, to know the laws that govern the physical realm and the mysteries of the mental and spiritual, we invite you to accompany us on the Path of Knowledge that is the Rose Cross Order.
With my fraternal best wishes that Peace Profound abide in your heart.
Ángel Martín Velayos